about chijioke

Chijioke “CJ” Bennett is a son of the only true and eternal God, with an honest desire to please his King and maker (even when he gets it wrong). A recipient of the Love of the Father, the Grace of Jesus Christ, and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit, Chijioke is honored to belong to the family of God. A diverse family with all its colors and components, all of which make the journey much more fun

A minister of the gospel, Chijioke serves the agenda of God. He gladly offers his life as a sacrifice, his pen as an AUTHOR, his voice as a WORSHIPER, his understanding as a TEACHER, his time as a MENTOR, his creativity as a STORYTELLER, and ultimately his heart as an altar from which the glory and power of God alone shine.

His God-given unction in communication and his perspective on the Father’s heart, strive to make the WORD of GOD applicable without diluting the authenticity and power therein. His niche sits at the intersection of FAITH and TRUTH, where he strives to pour into a people; equipping them, that they, just like he strives for, may attain the full measure of the stature of Christ.

When the curtain on this life is drawn and he awakens in the place where there is no time and no end, this is his earnest hope and prayer. Chijioke wants to know that he gave all that he was given, that he attained all he was made for, that he did what he was told, that he touched all who he had the honor of serving and that his legacy is the foundation and the culture of the Kingdom of God that his children to the thousandth generation work in.
As he runs, arms wide into the loving embrace of his Lord and Savior, may he hear these words “welcome and well-done thou good and faithful servant” as he is ushered to his reward for being a faithful and fruitful son-servant